The Insanely Precious, Ordinary Moments of a Life

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Solstice thoughts

 The seasons change and each time

I am reminded of the last, 

as though this hasn't happened

again and again.

Each red leaf like a forgotten belonging

Appearing unexpectedly before you.

The way the leaves glide easily with their broad

 surface area, an incredible feat of ingenuity- 

to be the first to touch the light 

and then, in time, the ground.

The way the spiders appear in my bathtub,

Seemingly oblivious to the frightened children, 

as they venture out to dance for lovers. 

And people, how we burn and bake,

ever pursuing warmth,

as we have since we first walked on two legs. 

The world continues to grow and then senesce, 

to make space for future iterations. 

What luck to bear witness to so many.