The Insanely Precious, Ordinary Moments of a Life

Monday, December 6, 2021


The dearest sound I know
is the light rhythm of my son, now 10, as he breathes.
I linger here beside his sleeping shape
knowing all too soon that he will outgrow
quiet moments like this one.

This moment contains so many others within it-
The countless nights rocking him to sleep,
through fevers or nightmares.

The very first swish of a heartbeat on a monitor, how his father and I sobbed such deep gasps of relief.

I cannot keep the sorrow of the world away from you,
But I promise you that somehow, the pain can be a doorway
to something sacred beyond words.

It connects us to all things.

The tenuousness of a life on this planet, the intensity of parental love. The finality of the passing of time.

How precious, how painful, how good it is
to be.